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A gas insert is a fully sealed firebox with decorative logs or other media installed into an existing fireplace to produce heat using gas. Gas Inserts utilize a direct vent chimney liner to burn cleaner and heat more efficiently. Gas inserts are a good option for people who want to convert a wood-burning fireplace to an easier-to-use heating source.

A gas fireplace is a device that uses natural gas or propane to create a flame that mimics the look of a traditional wood-burning fireplace. Gas fireplaces are more convenient and more effecient than wood-burning fireplaces. They also don’t require chopping, storing, or carrying wood, and there’s no ash to clean up. They are considered more environmentally friendly than wood-burning fireplaces because they produce fewer emissions

A gas freestanding fireplace or Gas Stove is a gas-fueled freestanding appliance that can be installed in a room or inside an existing masonry alcove, rather than being built into a wall. They are designed to look like a wood stove but efficiently burn natural gas or propane. Gas Stoves can be a convenient and cleaner alternative to wood stoves.

Gas logs are a set of ceramic or refractory logs that are designed to look like real wood and are used in a fireplace to create the illusion of a wood fire. They are typically placed in an existing fireplace and use natural gas or propane to produce fire. Gas logs are a more affordable option than a gas insert or built-in gas fireplace, but they are not as efficient at heating a space.